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Where should you post your status?

where_to_post_status.jpg Trump evicts black familyThumbnailsSocial media explained by exampleTrump evicts black familyThumbnailsSocial media explained by exampleTrump evicts black familyThumbnailsSocial media explained by example

This flowchart will tell you where you should post your status.

1) Do you actually want anyone to see it
- No => Google plus
- Yes => Go to 2)

2) Are you in a bar?
- Yes => Foursquare
- No => Go to 3)

3) Is it business?
- Yes => Go to 4)
- No => Go to 6)

4) Would it be awkward to explain to your boss?
- Yes => Don't post it!
- No => Go to 5)

5) Is it boring?
- Yes => LinkedIn
- No => Go to 8)

6) Is it personal?
- Yes => Go to 7)
- No => Go to 8)

7) Would it be awkward to explain to your parents?
- Yes => Don't post it!
- No => Go to 8)

8) Are you addicted to "likes"?
- Yes => Facebook
- No => Twitter

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