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The gender wage gap is bullshit

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What feminists say: "Women get $0.77 when men make $1"

What they leave out: there's no wage gap:
- The average man spends 14% more time at work.
- He's 9 times more likely to die here (he picks more dangerous jobs, which are more rewarding)
- Men choose the highest paying specializations, such as petroleum engineering, pharma, math/computer science, aerospace science, chemical engineering
- Women choose the lowest paying college majors, such as psychology, early education (a result of misandry since males don't dare teach young children for fear of being accused of rape or assault), human service/community org, social work

And yet, young (age 22-30), childless women outearn young, childless men by 8%.
If there is a gender pay gap, it's in favor of women, not men!

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